This holiday season, the Youth Organizing Institute is releasing "Voice and Song//Voz y Canto," a bilingual compilation of songs, chants, and icebreakers for youth liberation! "Voice and Song//Voz y Canto" is a celebration of the ways that we resist oppression when we sing together, chant together, and get silly together. It was created to honor the voices of our spirits and the languages they speak in the hopes of building more spaces to raise our voices together.  Gift a copy to yourself and your loved ones and help support the ongoing work of the Youth Organizing Institute.  

In 2015 we will: 
None of our work is possible without the consistent support from our community of allies and co-conspirators for collective liberation.

Grassroots contributors like you have always sustained YOI, which has enabled us to expand and enrich our program areas-- even on a shoestring budget.  We have been vibrant and active leaders in the education justice movement in North Carolina for five years.  This year we gained significant ground at the local and Federal level, by working with the community to generate revisions to the Memorandum of Understanding between Wake County School Board and police departments, and by sending teens to DC to speak at Congressional and White House Hearings on the School-to-Prison Pipeline and My Brother's Keeper Initiative. 

Help sustain and enrich our work by giving the gift of "Voice and Song//Voz y Canto" to a revolutionary in your life this winter!

Your comrades and friends at the Youth Organizing Institute.

Andrea, Bryan, Carly, Elena, Jillian, Loan, Monse, Q, Sanyu, and Tavon


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